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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chicken Little Movie

chicken little movie onlineChicken Little Movie Part 1

An academy award. A docu drama. Books. But that's all behind him now, and it's been been a wild ride on the Global Warming Express. Al is rumored to have a tendency to polish the apple just a little too much, like allegedly claiming that he and Tipper were the inspiration for the book and movie Love Story or that he exposed the trouble at Love Canal, even though, strictly speaking, he didn't or that he took the initiative in creating the internet, and so on. The whole thing looked a bit unsporting, and that wasn't the only thing.

chicken little movie review
Chicken Little Movie Quotes

And even some of his hardcore fans hadn't forgotten the slightly tawdry spectacle of those endless vote recounts during which the Al Gore For President Creative Recount Team struggled mightily to include, on their side of the ledger, hanging chads, pregnant chads, and even chads that weren't pregnant yet but hoped to start a family some day. Al was having a tough time getting over being robbed, in 2000, of his chance to take joyrides on Air Force One. His future looked grim. He grew fat; he grew a beard. I must go and tell the king. Al Gore has come a long way since the days when he was moping around the house in his bathrobe all day, looking under the sofa cushions for his misplaced presidential election victory. The sky is falling Oh my goodness, said Chicken Little. One day Chicken Little was walking in the woods when KERPLUNK an acorn fell on her head.

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