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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Chronicle movies | Chronicle movie synopsis | Chronicle movie trailer

High school can be a lot like In all likelihood, you would be pushed into using it against other people, people who have hurt you, humiliated you, ignored you for no real reason other than being who you are. At a certain point, it would no longer be enough to just have fun with it. But what if these powers found their way into the life of a bullied, abused, socially awkward teen?

Once they get this out of their systems, I can see how they would then fly through the clouds and toss around a football, never once stopping to consider the idea that they might be in the flight path of a passenger jet. She understandably screams in terror. Another one sneaks into a toy store and makes a teddy bear float in front of a little girl, who can't be any older than six or seven. One of them moves a parked car into a different parking space, leaving its owner confused. They even pull pranks on unsuspecting people.

Initially, the boys in this film behave like the cast of Jackass, using their powers to pull dangerous stunts strictly for cheap thrills and a few laughs. They would have fun with it, not just at their expense, but also at the expense of others. They would not stare at each other in awe, as if they had just been touched by the hand of God. Chronicle makes a compelling case for what would happen if a group of teenage boys were to suddenly attain superhuman powers.

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